So the story continues....
Some more memories from the ECKO vs MONOREX battle

Quote from Disco Teck regarding the Monorex battle vs Ecko - "Our concept used 'Rex and the city' as the title and had 'ol Henry the 8th sat in the middle holding Carrie Bradshaws severed head on a platter...we added a Roast Rhino to the feast with a big apple shoved in its mouth to wind Mr Ecko up (which it did). It was a fair fight, with team Ecko grassping the 'live illustration battle' idea, and bringing some pretty funny disses (if not obvious social stereotypes). Of course there was no way we could win over the hugeley patriotic crowd, most of which had no idea who Henry the 8th was, or that 'Rex' meant 'king' in latin. So we lost...and raved it up london style till we got thrown out."
Daniel starting to loosen up ;)
Below is a card Disco Teck designed for me - all the guys signed it and I was really chuffed as you can see..
Peeps signing my birthday card!
We started off the day nice and slow with a small picnic gathering in Brooklyn Bridge Park - The sun was not really shining but that did not take away the feeling of relaxation and detachment from the city I felt for a couple of hours.
If you have not been down to this park, you are missing out! As this place is a hidden gem that features in many Hollywood films.
Sick views and nice breezy air!
Gallery Bar (Orchard St)
A sick custom fixie we saw on the way back home in the Fixed gear London gallery show
After a couple of last minute hiccups we were set for the main event of the tour, thanks to YUME and ELURA for making this all happen.
Even though the venue was not a perfect arena for a Secret Wars of this stature, we dealt with it and both sets of artists put on an amazing show...Thanks to everyone that helped out!
Team USA warming up below
The final wall by Team UK - Based on the old skool film "The Warriors"
Quote by Disco Teck - "This time arround we used the classic film 'the Warriors' as our inspiration, putting a twist on the Baseball Furies gang, with our own Cricket Furies, cruising around in a beat up london cab. We had one of the famous lines from the film 'can you dig it?!' on one side, with Obama (characature by the mighty Alfa) popping up on the right responding with his famous line 'yes we can!'. Get it?! clever innit."
The crowd vote was used to judge the 2 teams - Team UK won by a small margin... Thanks to all those that came along for hopefully the first of many Secret Wars events in NYC.
The UK wall was sold to our new friend Sam from
giftd - She is originally from England but now lives out there and it was here first Secret Wars.... In my opinion she probably owns one of the best walls in Secret Wars history... Good bargain buy!